Recent Images - Solar November 2008
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H alpha to white light image morph AR11008.
Date:11th November 2008
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2.5x Powermate, with Daystar ATM .6A H alpha filter, and 2x powermate with Intes wedge
Camera:Lumenera 075M
This image was generated to show any correlation between the white light and Ha features. The images are 3 mins appart.
AR 11008
Date:14th November 2008 10:00 ut
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2.5x Powermate, with Daystar ATM .6A H alpha filter
Camera:Lumenera 075M
This is a montage of 4 image frames + a central image timed at 10:00ut
Sunspot Acive Region AR11008
Date:12th November 2008 13:12ut
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2.5x Powermate, with Daystar ATM .6A H alpha filter
Camera:Lumenera 075M
The 2.5x powermate reduces to 2x power through being "stretched" by the filter unit. The filter sees a light cone of f37.5, but at the camera, the amplification is down to f30.
large solar prominence
Date:12th November 2008 11:06 ut
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2.5x Powermate, with Daystar ATM .6A H alpha filter
Camera:Lumenera 075M
This is a very large spectacular prominence, captured in two halves. The instrument used for this capture, can be seen in Images/ recent images / solar imaging stuff
A Fair sized Solar Prominence
Date:11th November 2008 10:05 ut
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2.5x Powermate, with Daystar ATM .6A H alpha filter
Camera:Lumenera 075M
Not to overlook the prominence activity on this day
White Light Image of Subspot group AR 11008
Date:11th November 2008
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat +2x Powermate and Intes wedge.
Camera:Lumenera 075M fitted with Baader solar continuum filter, and stacked IR blocker
This sunspot group seems to be typical of the new cycle spot groups, in that they have no penumbra's to speak of.
Montage of 5 frames show the extensive effects surrounding AR 11008
Date:11th November 2008 10:18 ut (centre section)
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2.5x Powermate, with Daystar ATM .6A H alpha filter
Camera:Lumenera 075M
This patchwork of images shows a wider field of the solar surface activity, but with the resolution obtained with 180 inches focal length and full 6 inch aperture. The seeing was poor, with the low November sun
Image sequence of AR 11008
Date:11th November 2008
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2x Powermate, with Daystar ATM .6A H alpha filter
Camera:Lumenera 075M
The images show some flaring activity and plages accociated with Active Region sunspot group AR11008
A Wider field shot of the previous image
Date:7th November 2008 09:56 ut
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat stopped to 4.5inches
Camera:Lumenera 075M
This wider field image, although not showing so much detail in the prominence, still has a certain appeal of its own.
A fair sized Solar Prominence
Date:7th November 2008 09:58ut
Telescope:6inch f15 achromat + 2x powermate, with Daystar ATM Halpha 0.6A filter
Camera:Lumenera 075M
The Sun is very Low in the UK in November, but always welcome. Activity seems to be hotting up in the new cycle.